MasterCard Guide to Benefits
Key Terms:
Throughout this document, You andYour refer to the cardholder or authorized userof the covered card. We, Us, andOur refer to New Hampshire Insurance Company, an AIG company, Inc. (Except forPrice Protection and Satisfaction Guarantee refer to AIG Warranty Guard, Inc.)
Administrator means SedgwickClaims Management Services, Inc., you may contact the administrator if you havequestions regarding this coverage or would like to make a claim. Theadministrator can be reached by phone at 1-800-Mastercard.
Auction (online or live) means a placeor Internet site where items are sold through price bids, price quotes; orwhere prices fluctuate based on the number of people purchasing, or interestedin purchasing a product. (Examples include, but are not limited to, Ebay, Ubid,Yahoo, public or private live auctions, etc.).
Authorized User means anindividual who is authorized to make purchases on the covered card by thecardholder and is recorded by the Participating Organization on its records asbeing an authorized user.
Cardholder means theperson who has been issued an account by the Participating Organization for thecovered card.
Covered card means theMastercard card.
Evidence of Coverage (EOC) means thedocument describing the terms, conditions, and exclusions. The EOC, Key Terms,and Legal Disclosures are the entire agreement between You and Us.Representations or promises made by anyone that are not contained in the EOC,Key Terms, or Legal Disclosures are not a part of your coverage.
Non-auction internet advertisements meansadvertisements posted on the Internet, by a non-Auction Internet merchant witha valid tax identification number. The advertisement must have been postedwithin sixty (60) days after the date you purchased the product and must be forthe identical item (advertisement must verify same manufacturer and modelnumber). The printed version of the Internet advertisement must include themerchant’s internet address and customer service telephone number, as well as theitem including manufacturer, model number, sale price and date of publication.
Printed advertisements meansadvertisements appearing in a newspaper, magazine, store circular, or catalogwhich state the authorized dealer or store name, item (including make, modelnumber), and sale price. The advertisement must have been published withinsixty (60) days after the date you purchased the product and must be for theidentical item (advertisement must verify same manufacturer and model number).
United States Dollars (USD) means thecurrency of the United States of America.
Mastercard ID Theft Protection™
Program Description:
Mastercard ID Theft Protectionprovides you with access to a number of Identity Theft resolution services,should you believe you are a victim of Identity Theft.
To be eligible for this coverage,you must be a Mastercard cardholder issued by a U.S. financial institution.
Simply contact 1-800-Mastercardif you believeyou have been a victim of Identity Theft.
Services provided:
Services provided are on a 24-hourbasis, 365 days a year. They include:
Providing the cardholderwith a uniform Identity Theft Affidavit and providing assistance withcompletion of the Affidavit. It is the responsibility of the cardholder tosubmit the Affidavit to the proper authorities, credit bureaus, and creditors.
Assistance in notifyingall three major credit reporting agencies to obtain a free credit report forthe cardholder and placing an alert on the cardholder’s record with theagencies.
Assisting the cardholderwith debit, credit and/or charge card replacement.
Assisting cardholder withmembership/affinity card replacement.
Educating the cardholderon how Identity Theft can occur and of protective measures to avoid furtheroccurrences.
Providing the cardholderwith the Identity Theft Resolution Kit.
Providing the cardholderwith sample letters for use in canceling checks, ATM cards, and other accounts.
Mastercard ID Theft Alerts™:
Mastercard is offering cardholderscyber security through ID Theft Alerts, CSID’s proprietary Internetsurveillance technology that proactively detects the illegal trading andselling of personally identifiable information (PII) online. At any point intime, ID Theft Alerts is tracking thousands of websites and millions of datapoints, and alerting cardholders whose personal information they find has beencompromised online. This information is being gathered in real-time so thatCardholders have the opportunity to react quickly and take the necessary stepsto protect themselves. Get started at no cost to you by enrolling at
There is no charge for theseservices, they are provided by your Financial Institution.
Services NOT provided:
When it is determined youhave committed any dishonest, criminal, malicious or fraudulent act.
When yourfinancial institution or card issuer which provides this Service, hasinvestigated the event and deemed you are responsible the charge or event.
When any theftor unauthorized use of an account by a person to whom the account has beenentrusted has been committed.
Programprovisions for Mastercard ID Theft Protection:
This serviceapplies only to you, the named Mastercard cardholder. You shall use duediligence and do all things reasonable to avoid or diminish any loss or damageto property protected by the program. The provider, CS Identity, relies on thetruth of statement made in the Affidavit or declaration from each cardholder.This service is provided to eligible Mastercard cardholders at no additionalcost and is in effect for acts occurring while the program is in effect. Theterms and conditions contained in this program guide may be modified bysubsequent endorsements. Modifications to the terms and conditions may be providedvia additional Guide mailings, statement inserts, or statement messages.Mastercard or your financial institution can cancel or non-renew theseservices, and if we do, we will notify you at least thirty (30) days inadvance. If the Provider non-renews or cancels any services provided toeligible Mastercard cardholders, you will be notified within 30–120 days beforethe expiration of the service agreement. In the event substantially similarcoverage takes effect without interruption, no such notice is necessary. Forgeneral questions regarding these services, please contact 1-800-Mastercard.
Evidence ofCoverage
Refer to KeyTerms for the definitions of You, Your, We, Us, Our, and words that appear inbold and Legal Disclosures.
A. To getcoverage:
You mustpurchase the new item entirely with your covered card and/oraccumulated points from your covered card for yourself or to give as a gift.
The item musthave an original manufacturer’s (or U.S. store brand) warranty of twelve (12)months or less.
B. The kindof coverage you receive:
ExtendedWarranty doubles the original manufacturer warranty up to a maximum of twelve(12) months on most items you purchase. For products with multiple warrantycomponents, each warranty time period will be extended up to a maximum oftwelve (12) months. An example of a product with multiple warranty componentsincludes an appliance with original manufacturer’s (or U.S. store brand)warranties that differ for parts, labor, compressor, etc.
If you purchase a servicecontract or an optional extended warranty of twelve (12) months or less on youritem, we will cover up to an additional twelve (12) months after both theoriginal manufacturer’s (or U.S. store brand) warranty and the purchasedservice contract or extended warranty coverage period end. If your servicecontract or extended
warranty exceeds twelve (12)months, this coverage does not apply.
• If you do nothave an additional service contract or an optional extended warranty, thisExtended Warranty benefit commences the day after your original manufacturer’s(or U.S. store brand) warranty expires.
C. Coveragelimitations:
The maximumbenefit for repair or replacement shall not exceed the actual amount charged onyour covered card or $10,000, whichever is less.
If either theoriginal manufacturer’s (or U.S. store brand) warranty or the service contractcovers more than twelve (12) months, this benefit will not apply.
We or our administrator will decide ifa covered failure will be repaired or replaced, or whether you will bereimbursed up to the amount paid for the item. Items will be replaced withthose of like kind and quality. However, we cannot guarantee to match exactcolor, material, brand, size, or model.
D. What isNOT covered:
Used orantique items; collectibles of any kind (such as items designed for people tocollect or items that over time become collectibles) that do not come with amanufacturer warranty (repair or replacement amount will not include marketvalue at time of claim); recycled, previously owned, refurbished, rebuilt, orremanufactured items; product guarantees (e.g., glass breakage).
Floor modelsthat do not come with an original manufacturer warranty.
Motorizedvehicles, including, but not limited to, automobiles, watercraft/boats,aircraft, and motorcycles, or their motors, equipment, or accessories. Parts,if purchased separately, may be covered.
Land, anybuildings (including, but not limited to, homes and dwellings), permanentlyinstalled items, fixtures, or structures.
Plants,shrubs, animals, pets, consumables, and perishables.
ProfessionalServices (including, but not limited to, the performance or rendering of laboror maintenance; repair or installation of products, goods or property;professional advice of any kind, including, but not limited to,information/services or advice secured from any help or support line; ortechnical support for software, hardware, or any other peripherals).
Applicationprograms, operating software, and other software.
All types ofmedia with stored data or music (including, but not limited to, computersoftware, DVDs, video cassettes, CDs, film and audio cassettes).
Any shippingcharges, transportation and delivery charges, or promised time frames fordelivery, whether or not stated or covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.
Direct orindirect loss resulting from any Acts of God (including, but not limited to,flood, hurricane, lightning, and earthquake).
Indirect ordirect damages resulting from a covered loss.
Mechanicalfailure arising from product recalls.
Trip, service,or diagnostic charges in the absence of any covered repairs or verifiedfailure.
Loss resultingfrom war or hostilities of any kind (including, but not limited to, invasion,terrorism, rebellion, insurrection, riot, or civil commotion); confiscation ordamage by any government, public authority, or customs official; risks ofcontraband, illegal activity, or acts.
Mechanicalfailures caused by normal wear and tear or gradual deterioration where nofailure has occurred.
Itemspurchased for resale, professional, or commercial use.
Mechanicalfailures caused by lack of maintenance/service.
Losses causedby power surge, contamination by radioactive or hazardous substances, includingmold.
Physicaldamage to the item.
Any exclusionlisted in the original manufacturer’s warranty.
E. How tofile a claim:
Call 1-800-Mastercardor go to www.mycardbenefits.comto initiate aclaim. You must report the claim within sixty (60) days of the failure or theclaim may not be honored.
Submit thefollowing documentation within one hundred and eighty (180) days from the dateof failure or the claim may not be honored:ooReceiptshowing covered item(s).
ooStatement showing covered item(s).
ooItemized purchase receipt(s).
ooOriginal manufacturer’s (or brand) warranty.
oo Service contract or optionalextended warranty, if applicable.
oo Itemized repair estimate from afactory authorized service provider.
Any otherdocumentation that may be reasonably requested by us or our administrator tovalidate a claim.
The LegalDisclosure is part of this agreement.
A. To getcoverage:
You mustpurchase the new item entirely with your covered card and/oraccumulated points from your covered card for yourself or to give as a gift.
You must seeeither a printedadvertisement or non-auctionInternet advertisement for the same product (advertisement must verify same manufacturerand model number) for a lower price within sixty (60) days from the date ofpurchase as indicated on your receipt.
B. The kindof coverage you receive:
Purchases youmake entirely with your covered cardare covered for sixty (60) days from the date of purchase as indicated on yourreceipt for the difference between the price you paid and the lower priceadvertised.
Items youpurchase with your covered card and give as gifts also are covered.
This coverage is secondaryto any other applicable insurance or coverage available to you or the giftrecipient including benefits provided by the retailer (including, but notlimited
to, refunds, exchanges, and storecredits). Coverage is limited to only those amounts not covered by any otherinsurance or coverage, or retailer benefits (including, but not limited to,refunds, exchanges, and store credits).
C. Coveragelimitations:
Coverage islimited to the difference between the actual cost of the item (excluding taxes,storage, shipping, and handling costs) and the advertised lower price, up to$250 per claim. There is a maximum of four (4) claim(s) per cardholder account pertwelve (12) month period.
D. What isNOT covered:
Any itempurchased from an Internet site whose primary purpose is not the sale of theitem or related items.
Itemspurchased for resale, rental, professional, or commercial use.
Jewelry, art,used or antique items; collectibles of any kind (such as items designed forpeople to collect or items that over time become collectibles); recycled,previously owned, refurbished, rebuilt, or remanufactured items.
Customized/personalized,one-of-a-kind, or special-order items.
Layaway items;items returned to any store.
Any itemspurchased from an auction.
Items forwhich the printed advertisement or non-auction Internet advertisementcontaining the lower price was published after sixty (60) days from the dateyou purchased the item.
Itemsadvertised or shown as price quotes, bids or final sale amounts from anon-auction Internet site.
Items advertisedin or as a result of “limited quantity,” “going out-of-business sales,” “closeout”, or as “discontinued”.
Printedadvertisements or non-auction Internet advertisements that display pricinglower than your purchased item due to rebates, special offerings, bonuses, freeitems/giveaways, manufacturer’s coupons, or special financing.
Professionalservices, including workmanship, installation, professional advice/counseling,and technical support, or help line.
Plants,shrubs, animals, pets, consumables, and perishables.
Motorizedvehicles, including, but not limited to, automobiles, watercraft/boats,aircraft, and motorcycles, or their motors, equipment, or accessories.
Land, anybuildings (including, but not limited, to homes and dwellings), permanentlyinstalled items, fixtures, structures, or home improvement.
Game animals,pets or specimens preserved for display (e.g., fish, birds, reptiles, ormammals).
Traveler’schecks, tickets of any kind (e.g., for airlines, sporting events, concerts, orlottery), negotiable instruments, bullion, rare or precious metals, stamps, andcoins, currency or its equivalent.
Differences inprice due to sales tax, storage, shipping, handling, postage, transportation,and delivery.
Differences inprice due to foreign exchange rates or fluctuation in foreign exchange rates.
E. How tofile a claim:
For a PrintedAdvertisement:
Call 1-800-Mastercardor go to www.mycardbenefits.comto initiate aclaim. You must report the claim within sixty (60) days of the incident or theclaim may not be honored.
Submit thefollowing documentation within one hundred and eighty (180) days of theadvertisement’s publication:oo A copy of the printed advertisementthat shows the date of the advertisement, retailer name, the product(advertisement must verify same manufacturer and model number), and sale price.
ooReceipt showing the item(s) waspurchased.
oo Statement showing item(s) purchasedand use of accumulated points.
ooItemized purchase receipt(s).
Any otherdocumentation that may be reasonably requested by us or our administrator to validate aclaim.
For aNon-Auction Internet Advertisement:
Call 1-800-Mastercardor go to www.mycardbenefits.comto initiate aclaim. You must report the claim within sixty (60) days of the incident or theclaim may not be honored.
Submit thefollowing documentation within one hundred and eighty (180) days of theadvertisement’s publication:oo A copy of the non-auctionadvertisement that shows the date of the advertisement, website address,retailer name, the product (advertisement must verify same manufacturer andmodel number), sale price, and, if applicable, shipping, handling and othercharges.
ooReceipt showing the item(s) waspurchased.
ooStatement showing item(s) purchased.
ooItemized purchase receipt(s).
Any otherdocumentation that may be reasonably requested by us or our administrator tovalidate a claim.
The LegalDisclosure is part of this agreement.
A. To getcoverage:
You mustpurchase the new item entirely with your covered card and/oraccumulated points from your covered card for yourself or to give as a gift.
B. The kindof coverage you receive:
Purchases youmake entirely with your covered card are covered for sixty (60) days from thedate of purchase as indicated on your receipt for a full refund in the eventthat you are dissatisfied with your purchase and the store will not accept theitem for return.
Items youpurchase with your covered card and give as gifts also are covered.
This coverageis secondary to any other applicable insurance or coverage available to you orthe gift recipient. Coverage is limited to only those amounts not covered byany other insurance or coverage.
C. Coveragelimitations:
Coverage islimited to the actual cost of the item (excluding taxes, storage, shipping, andhandling costs), up to $250 per claim. In no event will we pay more than thepurchase price of the item.
Items must bereturned undamaged, in good working condition, and in its original and completepackaging. You are responsible for all mailing costs.
D. What isNOT Covered:
Damaged,defective, or non-working items.
Jewelry, art,used or antique items; collectibles of any kind (such as items designed for peopleto collect or items that over time become collectibles); recycled, previouslyowned, refurbished, rebuilt, or remanufactured items.
Customized/personalized,rare, one of a kind, or special order items.
Professionalservices, including workmanship, installation, professional advice/counseling,and technical support, or help line.
Itemspurchased for resale, professional, or commercial use.
Plants,shrubs, animals, pets, consumables, and perishables.
All types ofstored data or music (including, but not limited to, computer software, DVDs,video cassettes, CDs, audio cassettes).
Motorizedvehicles, including, but not limited, to automobiles, watercraft/boats,aircraft, and motorcycles, or their motors, equipment, or accessories.
Land, anybuildings (including, but not limited to, homes and dwellings), permanentlyinstalled items, fixtures, or structures.
Game animals,pets, or specimens preserved for display (e.g., fish, birds, reptiles, ormammals).
Traveler’schecks, tickets of any kind (e.g., for airlines, sporting events, concerts, orlottery), negotiable instruments, bullion, rare or precious metals, stamps, andcoins, currency or its equivalent.
Shippingcharges, taxes, storage fees, postage, transportation and delivery charges;promised time frames of delivery.
Productspurchased at auctions.
E. How tofile a claim:
Call 1-800-Mastercardor go to www.mycardbenefits.comto initiate aclaim. You must report the claim within sixty (60) days of the date of purchaseor the claim may not be honored.
Submit thefollowing documentation within one hundred and eighty (180) days of the dateyou report the claim:ooReceiptshowing the purchased item(s).
ooStatementshowing the purchased item(s).
ooItemizedpurchase receipt(s).
oo Writtendocumentation from the store manager or equivalent on store letterheaddocumenting the refusal to accept the returned item.
ooA copy of thestore’s return policy.
Any otherdocumentation that may be reasonably requested by us or our administrator to validate aclaim.
You must sendthe item to us or our administrator before any claim will be paid. Item must bereturned in its original packaging along with the original owner’s manuals andwarranty information. You are responsible for all mailing or shipping costs tous or our administrator. Items sent to us or our administrator will not bereturned to you.
MastercardGlobal Service
MastercardGlobal Service™ provides worldwide, 24-hour assistance with Lost and StolenCard Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement, and Emergency CashAdvance.
CallMastercard Global Service immediately to report your card lost or stolen and tocancel the account. If you need to make purchases or arrange for a cashadvance, with your issuer’s approval, you can receive a temporary card the nextday in the United States, and within two business days almost everywhere else.
Remember, ifyou report your card lost or stolen, you will not be responsible for anyunauthorized transactions on your account.
In the UnitedStates (including all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. VirginIslands, and Puerto Rico) and Canada, call 1-800-307-7309.
Whenout-of-country and in need of assistance, you can easily reach a speciallytrained Mastercard Global Service Representative who can help you 24 hours aday, 365 days a year, in any language. You can call toll-free from over 80countries worldwide. Some of the key toll-free Mastercard Global Servicetelephone numbers are:
Ireland................1-800-55-7378United Kingdom.........0800-96-4767
Italy........................800-870-866Virgin Islands...........1-800-307-7309
For additionalinformation, or for country-specific, toll-free telephone numbers not listedabove, visit our Web site at or call theUnited States collect at 1-636-722-7111.
AccountInformation and Card Benefits:
When in theUnited States, contact your card issuer directly for account information and 1-800-Mastercardfor cardbenefits. When traveling outside the U.S., call Mastercard Global Service toaccess your card issuer for account information or to access any of your cardbenefits.
Call 1-877-FINDATM(1-877-346-3286) to find thelocation of a nearby ATM in the Mastercard ATM Network accepting Mastercard®, Maestro®, and Cirrus® brands. Also,visit our Web site at www.mastercard.comto use our ATMlocator.
You can getcash at over two million ATMs worldwide. To enable cash access, be sure youknow your Personal Identification Number (PIN) before you travel.
Mastercard Airport Concierge™
Your passport to the finer side of air travel.
Enjoy a 15% savings on Airport Meetand Greet services. Arrange for a personal, dedicated Meet and Greet agent toescort you through the airport on departure, arrival or any connecting flightsat over 450 destinations worldwide 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days ayear. There are also certain airports where you can be expedited through the securityand/or the immigration process. To reserve Mastercard Airport Conciergeservices visit consultyour Travel Advisor.
Account and Billing Information
Important: Contact yourcard-issuing financial institution directly for questions concerning youraccount, such as account balance, credit line, billing inquiries (includingtransaction exchange rates), merchant disputes, or information about additionalservices not described in this Guide. Your financial institution’s phone numbershould be available on your monthly billing statement or on the back of yourcard.
Legal Disclosure
This Guide to Benefits is not, byitself, a policy or contract of insurance or other contract.
Benefits are provided to you, theaccountholder, at no additional charge. Non-insurance services may haveassociated costs, which will be your responsibility (for example, legalreferrals are free, but the lawyer’s fee is your responsibility).
The insurance benefits are providedunder a group policy issued by New Hampshire Insurance Company, an AIG company.This Guide to Benefits is a summary of benefits provided to you. The attachedKey Terms and EOC is governed bythe Group Policy.
Effective date of benefits: EffectiveFebruary 1, 2015, this Guide to Benefits replaces all prior disclosures,program descriptions, advertising, and brochures by any party. The Policyholderand the insurer reserve the right to change the benefits and features of theseprograms at anytime. Notice will be provided for any changes.
Cancellation: ThePolicyholder can cancel these benefits at any time or choose not to renew theinsurance coverage for all cardholders. If the Policyholder does cancel these benefits, you will benotified in advance. If the insurance company terminates, cancels, or choosesnot to renew the coverage to the Policyholder, you will be notified as soon asis practicable. Insurance benefits will still apply for any benefits you wereeligible for prior to the date of such terminations, cancellation, ornon-renewal, subject to the terms and conditions of coverage.
Benefits to you: These benefitsapply only to the cardholder whose cards are issued by U.S. financialinstitutions. The United States is defined as the fifty (50) United States, theDistrict of Columbia, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. VirginIslands. No person or entity other than the cardholder shall have any legal orequitable right, remedy, or claim for benefits, insurance proceeds and damagesunder or arising out of these programs. These benefits do not apply if yourcard privileges have been cancelled. However, insurance benefits will stillapply for any benefit you were eligible for prior to the date that your accountis suspended or cancelled, subject to the terms and conditions of coverage.
Transfer ofrights or benefits: No rights orbenefits provided under these insurance benefits may be assigned without theprior written consent of the claim administrator for thesebenefits.
Misrepresentationand Fraud: Benefits shallbe void if the cardholder has concealed or misrepresented any material factsconcerning this coverage.
DisputeResolution – Arbitration: This EOC requires binding arbitration if there is an unresolveddispute concerning this EOC (including the cost of, lack of or actual repair orreplacement arising from a loss or breakdown). Under this Arbitrationprovision, You give up your right to resolve any dispute arising from this EOCby a judge and/or a jury. You also agree not to participate as a class representativeor class member in any class action litigation, any class arbitration or anyconsolidation of individual arbitrations. In arbitration, a group of three (3)arbitrators (each of whom is an independent, neutral third party) will give adecision after hearing the parties’ positions. The decision of a majority ofthe arbitrators will determine the outcome of the arbitration and the decisionof the arbitrators shall be final and binding and cannot be reviewed or changedby, or appealed to, a court of law.
To startarbitration, the disputing party must make a written demand to the other partyfor arbitration. This demand must be made within one (1) year of the earlier ofthe date the loss occurred or the dispute arose. The parties will eachseparately select an arbitrator. The two (2) arbitrators will select a thirdarbitrator called an “umpire.” Each party will each pay the expense of thearbitrator selected by that party. The expense of the umpire will be sharedequally by the parties. Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, thearbitration will take place in the county and state in which You live. Thearbitration shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act (9 U.S.C.A. § 1et. seq.) and not by any state law concerning arbitration. The rules of the AmericanArbitration Association ( will apply to any arbitration under thisEOC. The laws of the state of New York (without giving effect to its conflictof law principles) govern all matters arising out of or relating to this EOCand all transactions contemplated by this EOC, including, without limitation,the validity, interpretation, construction, performance and enforcement of thisEOC.
Due Diligence: All partiesare expected to exercise due diligence to avoid or diminish any theft, loss ordamage to the property insured under these programs. “Due diligence” means theperformance of all vigilant activity, attentiveness, and care that would betaken by a reasonable and prudent person in the same or similar circumstancesin order to guard and protect the item.
Subrogation: If payment ismade under these benefits, the insurance company is entitled to recover suchamounts from other parties or persons. Any party or cardholder who receivespayment under these benefits must transfer to the insurance company his or herrights to recovery against any other party or person and must do everythingnecessary to secure these rights and must do nothing that would jeopardizethem, or these rights will be recovered from the cardholder.
Salvage: If an item isnot repairable, the claim administrator may request that the cardholder or giftrecipient send the item to the administrator for salvage at the cardholder’s orgift recipient’s expense. Failure to remit the requested item for salvage tothe claim administrator may result in denial of the claim.
OtherInsurance: Coverage issecondary to and in excess of any other applicable insurance or indemnityavailable to You. Coverage is limited to only those amounts not covered by anyother insurance or indemnity. It is subject to the conditions, limitations, andexclusions described in this document. In no event will this coverage apply ascontributing insurance. This Other Insurance clause will take precedence over asimilar clause found in other insurance or indemnity language.
In no eventwill these insurance benefits apply as contributing insurance. Thenon-contribution insurance clause will take precedence over thenon-contribution clause found in any other insurance policies.
Severability ofProvisions: If in the futureany one or more of the provisions of this Guide to Benefits is, to any extentand for any reason, held to be invalid or unenforceable, then such provision(s)shall be deemed “severable” from the remaining provisions of the Guide. In thatevent, all other provisions of this Guide shall remain valid and enforceable.
Benefitslisted in this Guide to Benefits are subject to the conditions, limitations,and exclusions described in each benefit section. Receipt and/orpossession of this Guide to Benefits does not guarantee coverage or coverageavailability.
This Guide isintended as a summary of services, benefits, and coverages and, in case of aconflict between the Guide and the master insurance policies, or an issuer’s,or the Mastercard actual offerings, such master policies or actual offeringshall control. Provision of services is subject to availability and applicablelegal restrictions.
To file a claim, call1-800-Mastercard: 1-800-627-8372, or en Español: 1-800-633-4466.Visit our Website at