MasterCard Guide to Benefits Commercial

The chart below identifies the specific benefits of each program at a glance. We suggest you take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the benefits of each program. You may also want to make a photocopy to take with you when traveling. This Guide applies to travel and retail purchases made on or after February 1, 2008, and supersedes any previous Guide or program. 

Key Terms

Throughoutthis document, You and Your refer to the cardholder or authorized userof the covered card. We, Us, and Our refer to New Hampshire Insurance Company, an AIGCompany.

Administrator means Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc., you may contactthe administrator if you have questions regarding this coverage or would like tomake a claim. The administrator can be reached by phone at 1-800-Mastercard.

Authorizeddriver(s) means a driverwith a valid driver’s license issued from their state of residence andindicated on the rentalagreement.

Authorized Usermeans anindividual who is authorized to make purchases on the covered card by the cardholder and isrecorded by the Participating Organization on its records as being an authorized user.

Cardholder means theperson who has been issued an account by the Participating Organization for thecovered card.

Covered card means theMastercard® card.

Evidence ofCoverage (EOC) means thesummary of benefits set forth below which describe the terms, conditions,limitations and exclusions of the coverage provided to You at no additionalcharge under a group policy issued by New Hampshire Insurance Company, an AIGcompany. Representations or promises made by anyone that are not contained inthe group policy are not part of Your coverage. In the event the EOC, Key Terms,or Legal Disclosures of this Guide to Benefits conflict with the provisions ofthe group policy, the terms of the group policy govern Your coverage.

Manufacturersuggested retail price (MSRP) means the purchase price of the vehicle or the valueof the vehicle.

Rentalagreement means theentire agreement or contract that you receive when renting a vehicle from a vehicle rental agencythat describes in full all of the terms and conditions of the rental, as wellas the responsibility of all parties under the rentalagreement.

United StatesDollars (USD) means the currencyof the United States of America.

Vehicle means a landmotor vehicle with fourwheels that is designed for use on public roads and intended for use on a boundsurface such as concrete and tarmac. This includes minivans and sport utility vehicles that aredesigned to accommodate less than nine (9) passengers.

MasterRentalInsurance Coverage

Evidence ofCoverage

Pursuant tothe below terms and conditions, when you rent a vehicle for thirty-one(31) consecutive days or less with your covered card, you areeligible for benefits under this coverage.

Refer to KeyTerms for the definitions of you, your, we, us, our, and words that appear inbold and Legal Disclosures.


A. To getcoverage:

The rental vehicle must be rentedprimarily for business purposes, and You must initiate and then pay for theentire rentalagreement (tax,gasoline, and airport fees are not considered rental charges) with your covered card and/or theaccumulated points from your covered card at the timethe vehicle is returned.If a rental company promotion/discount of any kind is initially applied towardpayment of the rental vehicle, at least one(1) full day of rental must be billed to your covered card.

You must decline the optional collision/damage waiver (or similarcoverage) offered by the rental company when coverage is secondary.

You must rentthe vehicle in your ownname and sign the rentalagreement.

Your rentalagreement must be for arental period of no more than thirty-one (31) consecutive days. Rental periodsthat exceed or are intended to exceed thirty-one consecutive days are notcovered.

The rented vehicle must have a MSRP that does notexceed $50,000 USD.

B. The kindof coverage you receive:

We will payfor the following on a primary basis:

Physicaldamage and theft of the vehicle, not toexceed the limits outlined below.

Reasonableloss of use charges imposed by the vehicle rental companyfor the period of time the rental vehicle is out ofservice. Loss of use charges must be substantiated by a location and class specificfleet utilization log.

Towing chargesto the nearest collision repair facility.

Theft ordamage to personal effects in transit in the rental vehicle or in anybuilding en route during a trip using the rental vehicle. You mustfirst file under other applicable insurance (e.g., home or business), and thenwe’ll cover whatever is not covered by your insurance under our SecondaryPersonal Effects Insurance. Maximum coverage per rental period is $1,000 percovered person, per occurrence. The total benefits per rental period cannotexceed $2,000.


This coverageis not all-inclusive, which means it does not cover such things as personalinjury or personal liability. It does not cover you for any damages to other vehicles or property.It does not cover you for any injury to any party.

C.Coordination of Benefits:

WhenMasterRental is provided on a secondary basis and a covered loss has occurredthe order in which benefits are determined is as follows:

1. You or an authorizeddriver’s primary autoinsurance;

2. Collision/damagewaiver provided to you by the rental agency;

3. Any othercollectible insurance;

4. Thecoverage provided under this EOC.

If you or an authorizeddriver’s primary autoinsurance or other coverage has made payments for a covered loss, we will coveryour deductible and any other eligible amounts, described under the kind ofcoverage you receive, not covered by the other insurance.

Note: Incertain parts of the United States and Canada losses to rental vehicles that arecovered by your personal vehicle insurancepolicy liability section may not be subject to a deductible, which means thatyou may not receive any benefits from this program. Contact your insuranceprovider for full coverage details pertaining to your personal vehicle liability insurancepolicy (or similar coverage).

If the vehicle is rentedprimarily for business purposes or outside the cardholder’s domiciledcountry, coverage is considered primary coverage.

D. Who iscovered:

The covered cardcardholder and thosedesignated in the rentalagreement as authorizeddrivers. You, yourassociates, and immediate family are covered by Secondary Personal EffectsInsurance subject to the limits expressed above.

E. Excludedrental vehicles:

Vehicles not required to be licensed.

All full-sizevans mounted on truck chassis (including, but not limited to, Ford EconoVan),cargo vans, campers, off-road vehicles, and otherrecreational vehicles.

Trailers,motorbikes, motorcycles, and any other vehicle having fewerthan four (4) wheels.

Antique vehicles (vehicles that are morethan twenty (20) years old or have not been manufactured for at least ten (10)years), or limousines.

Any rental vehicle that has a MSRP that exceeds$50,000 USD.


F. Where youare covered:

Coverage isavailable worldwide except in the following countries: Republic of Ireland,Northern Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Australia, Italy, and New Zealand.

Coverage isnot available in countries where:

a. This EOC or the grouppolicy is prohibited by that country’s law; or

b. The termsof the EOC or grouppolicy are in conflict with the laws of that country.

G. Coveragelimitations:

We will paythe lesser of the following:

a) Reasonableand customary charges of repair or the actual repair amount;

b) Wholesalemarket value less salvage and depreciation;

c) The rentalagencies purchase invoice less salvage and depreciation;

d) Thecontractual liability assumed by you or an authorized driver of the rental vehicle;

e) The actualcash value; or

f) $50,000 USD

In addition,coverage is limited to $500 USD per incidentfor reasonable loss of use charges imposed by the vehicle rental companyfor the period of time the rental vehicle is out ofservice.

We will notpay for or duplicate the collision/damage waiver coverage offered by the rentalagency.

H. What isNOT covered:

PersonalEffects Insurance does not cover animals, automobile equipment, motorcycles,boats, motors, sporting equipment, personal computers, household furniture,contact lenses, hearing aids, artificial teeth and limbs, currency, coins,deeds, bullion, stamps, securities, tickets, documents, perishables, delays,loss of market, or indirect or consequential losses or damages of any kind.

Vehicle keys or rentalcompany portable Global Positioning Systems (GPS).

Vehicles not rented by the cardholder or authorizeduser on the covered card.

Any person not designatedin the rental agreement as an authorized driver.

Any obligations you assumeother than that what is specifically covered under rental agreement.

Any violation of thewritten terms and conditions of the rentalagreement.

Any loss that occurs whiledriving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Any loss associated withracing or reckless driving.

Losses involving the theftof the rental vehicle when you or an authorized driver cannot produce the keys to the rental vehicle at the time of reporting the incident to policeand/or rental agency, as a result of negligence. Loss of keys is considerednegligence.

Mechanical failures causedby wear and tear, gradual deterioration, or mechanical breakdown.

Subsequent damagesresulting from a failure to protect the rental vehicle from further damage.

Blowouts or tire/rimdamage unless caused by theft, vandalism or vehicle collision.

Any damage that is of anintentional or non-accidental nature, caused by you or an authorized driver of the rental vehicle.

Depreciation, diminishmentof value, administrative, storage, or other fees charged by the vehicle rental company.

Vehicles with a rental agreement that exceeds or is intended to exceed a rentalperiod of thirty-one (31) consecutive days from a rental agency.

Losses resulting from anykind of illegal activity.

Damage sustained on anyroad not regularly maintained by a municipal, state, or federal entity.

Losses as a result of waror hostilities of any kind (including, but not limited to, invasion, terrorism,rebellion, insurrection, riot, or civil commotion); confiscation or damage byany government, public authority, or customs official; risks of contraband;illegal activity or acts.

Any loss involving therental vehicle being used for hire, forcommercial use, or as a public or livery conveyance.

Theft of, or damage to,unlocked or unsecured vehicles.

Value-added tax, orsimilar tax, unless reimbursement of such tax is required by law.

Rentals made on a monthlybasis.

Items not installed by theoriginal manufacturer.

Inherent damage.

Damage to windshieldswhich is not the result a collision or roll-over (damage to a windshield iscovered if such damage is due to road debris or road hazard).

Leases or mini leases.

Indirect or direct damagesresulting from a covered claim.

Charges for gasoline orairport fees.

In addition,We shall not be deemed to provide cover andWe shall not be liable to pay anyclaim or provide any benefit under the group policy to the extent that theprovision of such cover, payment of such claim or provision of such benefitwould expose Us, our parent company or its ultimate controlling entity to anysanction, prohibition or restriction under United Nations resolutions or thetrade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the European Union or theUnited States of America.

I. How tofile a claim:

Visit MyCardBenefits.comor call the 1-800-Mastercardto open aclaim. You must report the claim within sixty (60) days of the loss or theclaim may not be honored.

You may choose to assign your benefits under this insuranceprogram to the rental agency from which you rented your vehicle. Please contactus or our designated representative for further details.

Submit the followingdocumentation within one hundred and eighty (180) days of the incident or theclaim may not be honored: ooReceipt showing the vehicle rental charge.

ooStatement showing the vehicle rental charge.

ooThe rentalagreement (front andback).

ooCopy of Your valid driver’s license(front and back).

oo Copy of the declarations page ofany primary vehicle insurance andother valid insurance or coverage if applicable.

oo Police report when the vehicle is stolen,vandalized (regardless of the damage), or involved in a collision that requiresthe vehicle; to be towed,in a multi-vehicle collision, orthe vehicle is notdrivable.

ooPolice report detailing the theftof personal items.

ooReplacement receipt for personaleffect items.

oo Itemized repair estimate from afactory registered collision repair facility.

oo Copy of the vehicle rental companypromotion/discount, if applicable.

oo Copy of the vehicle rentallocation class specific fleet utilization log, if loss of use charges are beingclaimed. You must secure this log from the rental agency.

oo Any other documentation that may bereasonably requested by us or our administrator to validate aclaim.



PurchaseAssurance Coverage

Evidence ofCoverage

Pursuant tothe below terms and conditions, when an item you bought with your covered card is damaged or stolen within ninety(90) days of purchase, you may be eligible for benefits under this coverage.

Refer to KeyTerms for the definitions of You, Your, We, Us, Our, and words that appear inbold and Legal Disclosures.

A. To getcoverage:

You mustpurchase the new item entirely with your covered card and/oraccumulated points from your covered card for yourselfor to give as a gift.

B. The kindof coverage you receive:

Most items youpurchase entirely with your covered card are covered if damaged or stolen for ninety(90) days from the date of purchase as indicated on your covered card’s receipt.

Items youpurchase with your covered card and give asgifts also are covered.

This coverageis secondary to any other applicable insurance or coverage available to you orthe gift recipient. Coverage is limited to only those amounts not covered byany other insurance or coverage benefit.


C. Coveragelimitations:

Coverage islimited to the lesser of the following:oo The actualcost of the item (excluding delivery and transportation costs).

oo A maximum of$10,000 USD per loss and atotal of $50,000 USD per cardholder account pertwelve (12) month period.


Purchases thatare made up of a pair or set will be limited to the cost of repair orreplacement of the specific item stolen or damaged. If thespecific item cannot be replaced individually or repaired, the value of thepair or set will be covered not to exceed the limits above.

Coverage for stolen or damaged jewelry orfine art will be limited to the actual purchase price as listed on your creditcard statement, regardless of sentimental or appreciated market value.


Note: Salvagemay apply to this coverage; see the Legal Disclosures for details.

D. What isNOT covered:

Items left inpublic sight, out of arm’s reach, lacking care, custody or control by the cardholder.

Lost items,and items that mysteriously disappear (the only proof of loss is unexplained orthere is no physical evidence to show what happened to the item) without anyevidence of a wrongful act.

Items that arestolen from anylocation or place (including, but not limited to, exercise facilities, placesof employment, schools, or places of worship) due to the lack of due diligenceby you or another party.

Items lost, stolen, damaged, ormis-delivered while under the care, custody, and control of another party orcommon carrier (including, but not limited to, airlines, the U.S. PostalService, UPS, FedEx, or other delivery services).

Losses due tonormal wear and tear, misuse, gradual deterioration, and/or abuse.

Lossesresulting from any dishonest, fraudulent, or criminal act committed or arrangedby you.

Losses thatcannot be verified or substantiated.

Items coveredby a manufacturer’s recall or class action suit.

Items that youdamage throughalteration (including, but not limited to, cutting, sawing, shaping).

Used or antique items;collectibles of any kind (such as items designed for people to collect or itemsthat over time become

collectibles); recycled, previouslyowned, refurbished, rebuilt, or remanufactured items.

• Stolen items withoutdocumented report from the police.

Items that aredamaged duringtransport via any mode.

Items stolen from theinterior or exterior of a watercraft/boat, aircraft, motorcycle, automobile orany other motor vehicles.

Motorized vehicles, including,but not limited to, automobiles, watercraft/boats, aircraft, and motorcycles,or their motors, equipment, or accessories. Motorized equipment not designedfor transportation and used solely for the upkeep and maintenance of aresidence is eligible for coverage (including, but not limited to, snowthrower, lawn mowers, and hedge trimmers).

Land, anybuildings (including, but not limited to, homes and dwellings), permanentlyinstalled items (examples: items wired directly to the electrical system orattached to structure of the building), fixtures, or structures.

Traveler’schecks, tickets of any kind (e.g., for airlines, sporting events, concerts, orlottery), negotiable instruments, bullion, rare, or precious metals, stamps,and coins, currency or its equivalent.

Losses causedby insects, animals, or pets.

Plants,shrubs, animals, pets, consumables, and perishables.

Professionalservices (including, but not limited to, the performance or rendering of laboror maintenance; repair or installation of products, goods, or property;professional advice of any kind, including, but not limited to,information/services or advice secured from any help or support line; or technicalsupport for software, hardware, or any other peripherals).

Applicationprograms, computer programs, operating software, and other software.

Lossesresulting from war or hostilities of any kind (including, but not limited to,invasion, terrorism, rebellion, insurrection, riot, or civil commotion);confiscation or damage by anygovernment, public authority, or customs official; risks of contraband; illegalactivity or acts.

Losses causedby power surge, contamination by radioactive or hazardous substances, includingmold.

Direct orindirect loss resulting from any Acts of God (including, but not limited to,flood, hurricane, lightning, and earthquake).

Losses causedby liquids, fluids, oils, chemicals, or bodily fluids/excretions.

Game animals,pets, or specimens preserved for display (e.g., fish, birds, reptiles, ormammals).

Rented,leased, or borrowed items for which you will be held responsible.

Trip, service,or diagnostic charges in the absence of any covered repairs or verified failure.

Any shippingcharges, transportation and delivery charges, or promised time frames fordelivery, whether or not stated or covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.

E. How tofile a claim:

Call 1-800-Mastercardor go to www.mycardbenefits.comto initiate aclaim. You must report the claim within sixty (60) days of the loss or theclaim may not be honored.

Submit thefollowing documentation within one hundred and eighty (180) days of the dateyou report the claim:ooRepairestimate for damaged item(s).

ooPhotographclearly showing damage, ifapplicable.

ooReceiptshowing purchase of covered item(s).

ooStatementshowing purchase of covered item(s).

ooReport frompolice listing any items stolen.

oo Copy of thedeclarations page of any applicable insurance or protection (including, but notlimited to, homeowner’s, renter’s, or auto insurance policy).


Any otherdocumentation that may be reasonably requested by us or our administrator to validate aclaim.


ExtendedWarranty Coverage

Evidence ofCoverage

Refer to KeyTerms for the definitions of you, your, we, us, our, and words that appear inbold and Legal Disclosures.

A. To getcoverage:

You mustpurchase the new item entirely with your covered card and/oraccumulated points from your covered card for yourselfor to give as a gift.

The item musthave an original manufacturer’s (or U.S. store brand) warranty of sixty (60)months or less.


B. The kindof coverage you receive:

ExtendedWarranty doubles the original manufacturer warranty up to a maximum of twelve (12)months on most items you purchase. For products with multiple warrantycomponents, each warranty time period will be extended up to a maximum oftwelve (12) months. An example of a product with multiple warranty componentsincludes an appliance with original manufacturer’s (or U.S. store brand)warranties that differ for parts, labor, compressor, etc.

If youpurchase a service contract or an optional extended warranty of twelve (12)months or less on your item, we will cover up to an additional twelve (12)months after both the original manufacturer’s (or U.S. store brand) warrantyand the purchased service contract or extended warranty coverage period end. Ifyour service contract or extended warranty exceeds twelve (12) months, thiscoverage does not apply.

If you do nothave an additional service contract or an optional extended warranty, thisExtended Warranty benefit commences the day after your original manufacturer’s(or U.S. store brand) warranty expires.


C. Coveragelimitations:

The maximumbenefit for repair or replacement shall not exceed the actual amount charged onyour covered card or $10,000 USD, whichever isless.


If either theoriginal manufacturer’s (or U.S. store brand) warranty or the service contractcovers more than sixty (60) months, this benefit will not apply.

We or our administrator will decide ifa covered failure will be repaired or replaced, or whether you will bereimbursed up to the amount paid for the item. Items will be replaced withthose of like kind and quality. However, we cannot guarantee to match exactcolor, material, brand, size, or model.

Note: Salvagemay apply to this coverage; see the Legal Disclosures for details.

D. What isNOT covered:

Used orantique items; collectibles of any kind (such as items designed for people tocollect or items that over time become collectibles) that do not come with amanufacturer warranty (repair or replacement amount will not include marketvalue at time of claim); recycled, previously owned, refurbished, rebuilt, orremanufactured items; product guarantees (e.g., glass breakage).

Floor modelsthat do not come with an original manufacturer warranty.

Motorized vehicles, including,but not limited to, automobiles, watercraft/boats, aircraft, and motorcycles,or their motors, equipment, or accessories. Parts, if purchased separately, maybe covered.

Land, anybuildings (including, but not limited to, homes and dwellings), permanentlyinstalled items (examples: items wired directly to the electrical system orattached to structure of the building), fixtures, or structures.

Plants,shrubs, animals, pets, consumables, and perishables.

ProfessionalServices (including, but not limited to, the performance or rendering of laboror maintenance; repair or installation of products, goods or property;professional advice of any kind, including, but not limited to,information/services or advice secured from any help or support line; ortechnical support for software, hardware, or any other peripherals).

Applicationprograms, operating software, and other software.

All types ofmedia with stored data or music (including, but not limited to, computersoftware, DVDs, video cassettes, CDs, film and audio cassettes).

Any shippingcharges, transportation and delivery charges, or promised time frames fordelivery, whether or not stated or covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.

Direct orindirect loss resulting from any Acts of God (including, but not limited to,flood, hurricane, lightning, and earthquake).

Indirect ordirect damages resulting froma covered loss.

Mechanicalfailure arising from product recalls.

Trip, service,or diagnostic charges in the absence of any covered repairs or verifiedfailure.

Loss resulting from war orhostilities of any kind (including, but not limited to, invasion, terrorism,rebellion, insurrection, riot, or civil commotion); confiscation or damage by any

government, public authority, orcustoms official; risks of contraband, illegal activity, or acts.

Mechanicalfailures caused by normal wear and tear or gradual deterioration where nofailure has occurred.

Mechanicalfailures caused by lack of maintenance/service.

Losses causedby power surge, contamination by radioactive or hazardous substances, includingmold.

Physical damage to the item.

Any exclusionlisted in the original manufacturer’s warranty.

E. How tofile a claim:

Call 1-800-Mastercardor go to www.mycardbenefits.comto initiate aclaim. You must report the claim within sixty (60) days of the loss or theclaim may not be honored.

Submit thefollowing documentation within one hundred and eighty (180) days from the dateof failure or the claim may not be honored:ooReceipt showing covered item(s).

ooStatementshowing covered item(s).

ooItemizedpurchase receipt(s).

ooOriginalmanufacturer’s (or U.S. store brand) warranty.

oo Servicecontract or optional extended warranty, if applicable.

oo Itemizedrepair estimate from a factory authorized service provider.


Any otherdocumentation that may be reasonably requested by us or our administrator to validate aclaim.


Terms andConditions for MasterAssist

This documentdetails the MasterAssistservicesavailable to you as a member of the plan described as follows.

Eligibility: In order to beeligible for the services and benefits offered by Mastercard Internationalthrough AXA Assistance USA, You must be a beneficiary as defined below.

Membership tothe program is non-transferable.

Duration ofCoverage: As long as Youremain a Mastercard cardholder in goodstanding, You will have access to the assistance services described herein.

Availability ofServices: MasterAssistis available worldwide, with the exception of those countries and territorieswhich may be involved in an international or internal conflict, or in thosecountries and territories where the existing infrastructure is deemedinadequate by AXA Assistance USA to guarantee service. The Beneficiary maycontact MasterAssist prior to embarking on a covered trip to confirm whether ornot services are available at his/her destination(s).

Access: The services andbenefits offered in the Mastercard program will be arranged by AXA AssistanceUSA.

For 24-houremergency assistance call the Mastercard Assistance Center at:

Toll freenumber in the United States: 1-800-307-7309

Outside theUnited States, call collect at 1-636-722-7111


Beneficiary: An eligible Mastercard cardholder in good standing whose card has been issued by an institutionlocated in the United States and with his/her permanent address of residencewithin the United States; such cardholder’s spouse; or, a dependent child under the age of nineteen (19) orunder the age of twenty-five (25) in the case of a dependent full-time collegestudent. In either case the family member resides permanently at the sameaddress as the cardholder and is traveling with the cardholder.

Family Member: AnyBeneficiary’s common law spouse, and his or her children.

MasterAssist: Serviceprovided by AXA Assistance USA, Inc. on behalf of Mastercard International.


TheBeneficiary is entitled to obtain the following services (i) when 100 miles(160km) or more away from such Beneficiary’s primary residence; or (ii) whiletraveling overseas outside the home country of origin:


Referrals tomedical services: If you have amedical emergency while traveling, MasterAssist will refer you toqualified: physicians,hospitals, clinics, ambulances, private duty nurses, dentists, dental clinics,services for the disabled, opticians, ophthalmologists, pharmacies, suppliersof contact lenses and medical aid equipment.

For theconvenience of the cardholder, MasterAssistwill make arrangements for a general practice physician to consult theBeneficiary’s hotel or current location while traveling. Although MasterAssistservice will make every effort, this service may not be available in all statesand countries. If a physician can not be dispatched, other arrangements will bemade by MasterAssist and options will be offered to the Beneficiary. It is expresslyunderstood and agreed upon that all costs are the sole responsibility of the cardholder.

Hospitaladmission: If you requirehospitalization, MasterAssist can organize the hospital admission and, ifrequested, the guarantee of medical expenses. It is expressly understood andagreed upon that all costs are the sole responsibility of the cardholder, and can becharged to the cardholder’s account,subject to authorization by the Card Issuer.

Medicaltransportation/Medical evacuation

If theMasterAssist medical department determines that adequate medical facilities arenot locally available in the event of an accident or illness, MasterAssistservice will arrange for an emergency evacuation to the nearest facilitycapable of providing adequate care. The MasterAssist service team of physicianswill be able to make travel recommendations including the mode of transport,whether or not an escort is needed (medical or non-medical), as well as groundtransport requirements (for example, wheelchair assistance, ambulance at eachend). It is expressly understood and agreed upon that all costs are the soleresponsibility of the cardholder.

Repatriationof remains

In the eventof the Beneficiary’s death, MasterAssist will arrange for the repatriation ofremains to the place of burial in his/her country of residence. Transportationof remains will be subject to international laws and regulations. It isexpressly understood and agreed upon that all costs are the sole responsibilityof the cardholder.


MasterAssisthelps the Beneficiary replace lost or misplaced medication or other importantitems such as eyeglasses or contact lenses, by first endeavoring to find alocal resource for replacement, or by locating and arranging prompt shipment ofthe item or its equivalent (subject to local law).


If you have amedical emergency away from home, MasterAssist Medical Protection can help youget the best care. MasterAssist Medical Protection is an insurance program.

What iscovered:

A globalreferral network of local physicians, dentists, hospitals, and pharmacies.

Emergencytreatment by a physician or dentist, for covered medical, surgical, and dentalconditions arising from illness or accidental injury incurred during your trip.Each covered individual can receive up to USD $2,500 in coverage. (Becausecoverage is secondary, file with your own insurance company first, then we’llhelp cover the difference.) There is a deductible of USD $50 per person, pertrip.

Coverage islimited to emergency medical services resulting from accidental injury oremergency illness, which, if not treated immediately, could be expected by aprudent layperson to place a patient’s life, or the life of an unborn child, injeopardy or seriously impair the patient’s bodily functions. Emergency illnessbenefits are limited to a maximum of USD $500 per day.

If you’rehospitalized while traveling alone, we’ll make arrangements to obtain care. Ifneeded, we’ll pay for transportation to another medical facility or your home.If you’re traveling with dependent children, we’ll arrange, and pay, for theirreturn home if your hospitalization is expected to last 8 days or more.

When you’retraveling alone and hospitalized outside the United States for more than 8days, we’ll make and pay for travel arrangements for a round-trip,economy-class ticket to bring a relative or close friend to you. If you need torecuperate in a hotel after hospitalization, we’ll pay up to USD $75 a day, upto 5 days, to help cover hotel expenses.

If you diewhile traveling, we’ll arrange for your remains to be sent home, pay forrepatriation, and help make arrangements for your travel companions(s) to gethome. We would do the same for you if your travel companion(s) should die.

If one of yourimmediate relatives dies at home while you’re traveling abroad, we’ll pay foryour return to the United States.

Coverage issecondary to any existing health and dental coverage (such as worker’scompensation, disability benefits law, or similar law) whether or not a claimis filed under such insurance.

Who iscovered:

You, yourspouse, and unmarried dependent children under age 26, traveling with you.


Where you’recovered:

At locales 100miles or more from your home*, except in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Kampuchea,Laos, Libya, Myanmar, North Korea, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, and other countries wedeem unsafe.


When you’recovered:

You’re coveredfrom the day you leave until midnight of the 60th day of your trip, or the dayyou return to your city of residence, whichever is sooner. If your trip isextended due to a covered illness or injury, coverage extends to 48 hours afteryour return.


What is NOTcovered:

Services,supplies, or charges not prescribed by, or performed by, or upon the directionof a physician or dentist, not medically necessary, rendered by other thanhospital providers, not legally obligated to pay in the absence of anycoverage.

Experimental/investigativeservices, or telephone consultations.

Medical ordental expenses payable under any existing group health or accident insuranceor for any expenses incurred after your return to your city of residence.

War orhostilities of any kind (for example, invasion, rebellion, insurrection, riot,or civil commotion); confiscation or damage caused by anygovernment, public authority or customs official; risks of contraband; illegalactivity or acts and military duty.

Air travel,except as a passenger on a licensed aircraft operated by an airline or aircharter company.

Non-emergencyservices, supplies, or charges.

Injury,illness, or loss due to normal pregnancy or childbirth, professional athleticsor training, participation in any athletic events that require payment of anyentry fee, including training for such event(s); mountain climbing, motorcompetition, intentionally self-inflicting harm.



All medicaltransportation must be approved by both the attending doctor and the AssistanceCenter staff. All other travel benefits must be approved in advance by the Center.All travel will be scheduled, economy class, if original ticket(s) cannot beused. MasterAssist must be given the return ticket(s), or must be reimbursedthe value of unused ticket(s). Expenses without prior approval of the Centerwill not be reimbursed. The maximum amount paid for travel and repatriationcosts, beside shipment of remains, is USD $10,000 on any single covered trip.

By making arequest for assistance, or a claim for health or dental benefits, you assign toAXA Assistance the rights to receive benefits and/or reimbursement payableunder other health or dental insurance for covered services performed or paidfor by AXA Assistance.


How to file aclaim:

1. Call 1-800-Mastercardto obtain a claim form. Report the claim within 60 days of the completionof the care you receive, or we will not be able to honor your claim.

2. Completeand send the claim form with all documentation to the Mastercard AssistanceCenter.

Reminder:Please refer to the Legal Disclosure section.

*If a cardholder’s mailingaddress is in the State of New York, mileage requirement is not applicable.


TheBeneficiary is entitled to obtain the following services:


MasterAssistprovides referrals to lawyers or other legal service providers including theprovider’s name, address, telephone number, office hours, specialty andlanguage resources. Whenever there is sufficient information to do so, we shallrefer you to two or more legal professionals so that the Beneficiary may havethe benefit of choosing. MasterAssist uses reasonable efforts to ensure thatits referrals are to legal service providers who meet the reasonableprofessional standards of the country or city where the traveler is located.MasterAssist will also follow up with the Beneficiary in each case to ensurethat the service rendered was satisfactory.

LegalAssistance – Up to USD $1,000

If you arejailed (or threatened to be) following a road traffic accident, MasterAssistcan appoint and advance the fees of a lawyer. It is expressly understood andagreed upon that all costs are the sole responsibility of the cardholder, and can becharged to the cardholder’s account,subject to authorization by the Card Issuer.

Advance paymentfor bail bond – Up to USD $5,000

If you arejailed (or threatened to be) following a road traffic accident, MasterAssistshall advance the bail bond. It is expressly understood and agreed upon thatall costs are the sole responsibility of the cardholder, and can becharged to the cardholder’s account,subject to authorization by the Card Issuer.


MasterAssistwill make available to Beneficiary:

Informationfor preparing a journey

Information onvisas, passports

Information oninoculation requirements for foreign travel

Information oncustoms and duty regulations,

Information onforeign exchange rates and value-added taxes

Referrals toEmbassies or Consulates

Referrals toInterpreters

Dispatch of anInterpreter


In case ofimprisonment, hospitalization or circumstances that demand the services of aninterpreter, MasterAssist shall make the necessary arrangements to provide theBeneficiary with an interpreter. It is expressly understood and agreed uponthat all costs are the sole responsibility of the cardholder, and can be charged to the cardholder’s account,subject to authorization by the Card Issuer. 5.TRAVEL-ORIENTED EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE

Cash advancesUp to USD $5,000

In the eventof lost or stolen cash, Travelers Checks, credit and charge cards or in theevent that there are no ATMs available at the Beneficiary’s location,MasterAssist shall advance cash to the Beneficiary (to be charged to cardholder’s account andsubject to authorization by the Card issuer).

Urgent messagerelay

Transmissionof urgent messages from the Beneficiary to relatives, business associates,friends residing in his/her country of residence and vice versa.


MasterAssistshall provide assistance in locating lost luggage and shall provide to theBeneficiary regular updates on the location status.

Lost document,ticket replacement, and return trip assistance

In case ofloss or theft of the Mastercard card, travel tickets, passport, visa or otheridentity papers necessary to return home, MasterAssist will provide assistancein replacing them by contacting local police, consulates, airline company orother appropriate entities.

In the eventof loss or theft of the transportation ticket to return home, a replacementtransportation ticket can be arranged. It is expressly understood and agreedupon that all costs are the sole responsibility of the cardholder, and can becharged to the cardholder’s account,subject to authorization by the Card Issuer.


MasterAssistoffers valuable emergency assistance services, however it is not insurancecoverage. Please keep in mind that you will be responsible for the feesincurred for professional or emergency services requested of MasterAssistTravelAssistance Services (such as, medical or legal bills).

Most of theassistance services are offered to the cardholder at no cost;however, according to circumstances and depending on the nature of therequested service, AXA Assistance may have to advance payment on behalf of the cardholder subject to thecardholder’s approval. Inthis case, the advanced payment and associated delivery fees shall bereimbursed to AXA Assistance through the debit of the cardholder’s MastercardCard account, subject to prior approval of the cardholder’s issuing bank.In the event approval for the charge is not granted by the issuing bank, thepayment coverage/monetary advance will not be provided.


If your carbreaks down on the road while you are traveling in the 50 United States or theDistrict of Columbia, just call 1-800-Mastercard and tell uswhere you are.

We’ll sendsomeone to the rescue. This is not only reassuring, but it may also save youmoney because fees for many services (jump-starts, towing, gas delivery, tirechanges) are pre-negotiated. Road service fees will be automatically billed toyour Mastercard Card account.


You areresponsible for emergency road service charges incurred by towing facilitiesresponding to your dispatch, even if you are not with your car (or it’s gone)when the tow truck arrives. Mastercard International is not responsible orliable for the service the towing facility provides. Towing facilities areindependent contractors, solely liable for their services.

Emergency roadservice is not available in areas not regularly traveled, in “off-road” areasnot accessible by ordinary towing vehicles, or for overone-ton capacity trailers, campers, or vehicles-in-tow.

If you have arental vehicle, be sure tocall the car rental agency before you call 1-800-Mastercard, as manyrental agencies have special procedures regarding emergency road service.

Reminder:Please refer to the Legal Disclosure section.

MastercardVAT Reclaim Service

VAT Refundson Business Travel Expenses

U.S. Companiesare entitled to recover the Value Added Taxes (VAT) expenses that your companyemployees incur on foreign business travel.

The VAT paidon hotel accommodations, employee meals, conferences, exhibitions, trade shows,car hire, and similar business travel expenses are recoverable in most Europeancountries.

The rules andscope of VAT recovery vary from country to country, but we will determine whatis eligible for reclaim and will handle all the claim processing andsubmissions to the VAT Refunding Authorities.

To claim VATrefunds, it is essential that your company be able to provide the originalhard-copy supplier invoices on which you paid VAT.

Mastercardcustomers can avail themselves of a discounted fee based on a percentage of therecovered VAT.

Forinformation on our VAT recovery services and to commence your company’s VATreclaim process, contact:

U.S. Toll free:1.800.306.6068 Int’l. telephone: +353.66.97.61772 Web:

MastercardGlobal Service

MastercardGlobal Service® provides worldwide, 24-hourassistance with lost and stolen card reporting, emergency card replacement, andemergency cash advance. Call Mastercard Global Service immediately to reportyour card lost or stolen and to cancel the account. If you need to makepurchases or arrange for a cash advance, with your issuer’s approval, you canreceive a temporary card the next day in the United States, and within twobusiness days most everywhere else.

In the UnitedStates (including all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. VirginIslands, and Puerto Rico) and Canada, call 1-800-Mastercard (1-800-627-8372). When out-of-country and in need of assistance, you can easilyreach a specially trained Mastercard Global Service Representative who can helpyou 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in any language. You can call toll freefrom over 75 countries worldwide. Some of the key toll free Mastercard GlobalService telephone numbers are:

Australia...........................................................1-800-120-113Austria..............................................................0800-070-6138France...............................................................0-800-90-1387Germany..........................................................0800-819-1040Hungary...............................................................06800-12517Ireland...............................................................1-800-55-7378Italy........................................................................800-870-866Mexico........................................................001-800-307-7309Netherlands ....................................................0800-022-5821Poland..........................................................0-0800-111-1211Portugal...............................................................800-8-11-272Spain.....................................................................900-97-1231United Kingdom................................................0800-96-4767

For additionalinformation, or for country-specific toll-free telephone numbers not listedabove, visit our Web site at or call theUnited States collect at 1-636-722-7111.

AccountInformation and Card Benefits

When in theUnited States, contact your card issuer directly for account information and 1-800-Mastercardfor cardbenefits. When traveling outside the United States, call Mastercard GlobalService to access your card issuer for account information or to access any ofyour card benefits.

ATM Locations

Call 1-800-4CIRRUS to find thelocation of a nearby ATM in the Mastercard ATM Network accepting Mastercard®, Maestro®, and Cirrus® brands. Also,visit our Web site at www.mastercard.comto use our ATMlocator. You can get cash at over two million ATMs worldwide. Be sure you knowyour PIN (Personal Identification Number) before you travel in order to enablecash access.

MastercardEasy Savings® Program

If you alreadyreceive all the automatic rebates in the Program and/or have already registeredin the Program, the terms and conditions of this tier of the Program areoutlined below:

CardholderTerms & Conditions for Mastercard Easy Savings® Program - U.S. Small Business andMastercard Easy Savings® Program - U.S. Commercial (06-15)

MastercardInternational Incorporated (“Mastercard”) is providing these Mastercard EasySavings® Program - Terms and Conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) withrespect to your U.S. Mastercard small business signature debit, prepaid, orcredit card (each, a “Small Business Card”) and/or U.S. Mastercard Multi Cardcard, Mastercard Purchase Card card, and/or Mastercard Corporate Card card(each, a “Commercial Card”). Upon receipt or affirmative acceptance of theseTerms and Conditions, you hereby accept the Terms and Conditions for theapplicable Mastercard Easy Savings® Program - U.S. Small Business and/or the Mastercard Easy Savings® Program - U.S. Commercial (each, as applicable, the “Program”).You further accept these Terms and Conditions and ratify this acceptance byusing, receiving or accepting any benefit of a rebate under the Program.

If you do notwish to participate in the Program, please contact your issuing bank.

These Termsand Conditions set forth the terms applicable to your use of the Program. TheProgram provides you with automatic rebates on eligible purchases fromparticipating merchants in the United States if you use eligible, enrolledMastercard Small Business Card or Commercial Card. Please read these Terms andConditions carefully and keep them for your records.

In these Termsand Conditions, the words “you” and “your” mean the person® or entity to whom aCard, as defined below, has been issued and any person or entity that you allowto use a Card, and the words “we,” “us” and “our” mean Mastercard. “Program WebSite” means www.easysavings.comfor the Mastercard Easy Savings® Program - U.S. Small Business or the Mastercard Easy Savings® Program - U.S. Commercial (orsuch other web sites as we may establish for the Program).

Participation: For Mastercard Easy Savings® Program - U.S. Small Business only:If you have been notified by the issuer that issued your Mastercard SmallBusiness Card that your Mastercard Small Business Card has been automaticallyenrolled in the Program, you may participate in the Program effective as of thedate indicated in the notification from the issuer. You may also go to www.easysavings.comand register to receive program updates, and see your and/or youremployees’ card rebates at that site. Otherwise, you may enroll in the Program,with an eligible Small Business Card, on the Program Web Site. For MastercardEasy Savings® Program - U.S. Commercial only: If you have been notified by theissuer that issued your Mastercard Commercial Card that your MastercardCommercial Card has been enrolled in the Program, you may participate in theProgram immediately.

The Program isavailable only to cardholders using eligible, enrolled Small Business Cards orCommercial Cards, as applicable, issued by a United States financialinstitution (“Cards”). You must be enrolled in the Program prior to using aCard at a Merchant, as defined below, or to receive the rebate benefits of theProgram.

If you accessthe Program Web Site or use the Program, you also accept the Terms andConditions as posted on the Program Web Site and as posted at:

For MastercardEasy Savings® Program - U.S. Small Business:, as may be amended from time to time.

For MastercardEasy Savings® Program - U.S. Commercial:, as may be amended from time to time.

If you requesta user ID to access rebate information on the Program Web Site, we may need tovalidate your Card in order to ensure that you can receive applicable rebatesand as part of this validation an authorization hold of $1 may appear on youraccount information. Once the validation is confirmed, usually within 2-7 days,this authorization hold will be removed from your account.

Your Data: You agree to the terms of the Program’s privacy notice as postedat, as may be amended from time to time. You acknowledge and agreethat your issuing bank and Mastercard may share and use data regarding you,your personnel and such Card usage with each other and with third parties, suchas Merchants and service providers, to operate the Program and for internaloperational purposes, including, but not limited to, sending you and yourpersonnel e-mails regarding the Program.

Merchant Offers: Merchants that are participating in the Program (“Merchant(s)”)may provide offers for rebates on purchases of goods or services (“Offers”) atparticipating Merchant locations for Cards. The amount of any rebate and otherterms and conditions applicable to a rebate will be determined by the Merchant,and are subject to change at any time and without notice. Please refer to anydisclosures provided by your issuing bank and the Program Web Site for anydetails on any Offer terms and conditions. Offers may be redeemed only atparticipating Merchant locations. See the Program Web Site for the latestinformation on available Offers. Certain issuers may restrict your access to:(i) or the ability to make purchases from, certain Merchants; (ii) certainOffers; or (iii) certain elements of the Program for other purposes. Pleaserefer to the Offer details provided by your issuing bank, the Program Web Site,and/or the Offer details below for the latest information on available offers.

Offer Acceptance: When you purchase goods or services using a Card from aparticipating Merchant, you will receive a rebate on your purchase, subject toany terms and conditions of the Offer and provided that the purchasetransaction: (a) originated in the United States, (b) is authorized, settledand cleared through the Mastercard Global Clearance and Processing System, and(c) is not a PIN-based transaction. The rebate will not appear on your receiptat the point of sale. The form of the rebate may be a credit to your Cardaccount or the rebate may be in another form, as determined by the Issuer. If arebate is credited to your Card account, please note that it might not appear onthe same statement as the related purchase. There may be a delay of up to onestatement cycle in crediting a rebate. Please note that rebates will be basedon the standard currency related to your Card.

Reversals: All or a portion of a rebate may be reversed in certaincircumstances, including without limitation, upon a return, dispute,adjustment, or fraudulent card activity.

Disclaimer of Liability: Our role under the Program is limited to processing informationregarding Offers on behalf of Merchants and the issuing banks. We are notresponsible for any Offers or rebates, your ability to use Offers or rebates,the crediting of any rebates to your Card account, reversals of Offers orrebates, accuracy or completeness of information about Offers or rebates, orany acts or omissions of the issuing banks or Merchants. We provide the Programon an “AS IS” basis, and we disclaim any and all warranties, including withoutlimitation, any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particularpurpose, except as required by applicable law. We are not liable to you for anydamages that you suffer in connection with your participation in the Program,unless the damage results directly from our failure to perform the expressobligations under these Terms and Conditions. We and our affiliates, ourrespective directors, officers, employees, agents, and successors and assigns,are not responsible, and shall not be liable for, any direct, indirect,special, incidental, or consequential damages (including lost profits). Withoutlimiting the foregoing, we are not responsible for any Card account fees orpenalties that you incur on your Card, including fees and penalties that mayresult from rebate reversals. Any tax liability resulting from yourparticipation in the Program shall be your sole responsibility, and not ourresponsibility or the responsibility of any Merchant or the issuing bank.Merchants or the issuing bank may report information regarding the Program andyour participation in it to tax authorities. Merchants and the issuing bank maynot vary these Terms and Conditions as applied to the relationship between youand us and may not make any commitments that are binding on us.

Program Information: By enrolling or being enrolled in the Program, you agree to receiveProgram information via e-mail and to advise us of any change in your e-mailaddress by providing updated information via the Program Web Site. Please notethat we will use information regarding purchase transactions initiated withyour enrolled Card(s) to provide you with reports via the Program Web Site aswell as for other purposes as determined by Mastercard.

Termination: You may terminate your participation in the Program at any time bynotifying your issuing bank. There may be a delay of up to 30 days in effectingsuch termination, and reversals or adjustments of rebates may continue aftertermination, as determined in our discretion. We or your issuing bank mayterminate your participation in the Program at any time, without notice unlessrequired by law. We reserve the right to add or terminate any participatingMerchant or any Offer without notice. Any terms, which by their nature shouldsurvive the termination of these Terms and Conditions, shall survive.

Change of Terms: We can add to, delete from, or change (each, a “change”) the termsof these Terms and Conditions and/or the Program at any time. We will notifyyou of changes by posting the revised terms and conditions on the Program WebSite.

Questions Regarding the Program: You should direct any questions related to the Program, Offers,any Program restrictions, or rebates to your issuing bank.

Disputes: Any disputes regarding Offers or rebates, or your ability toparticipate or receive them, may be determined by us, by your issuing bank, orMerchants. That resolution will be final and binding on you.

Additional Terms: Your issuing bank and Merchants may impose additional terms onyour participation in the Program. These Terms and Conditions are in additionto, and do not amend or replace, your card agreement with your issuing bank.

Miscellaneous: These Terms and Conditions will be governed by the laws of NewYork State, without regard to conflict of law principles. Any dispute arisingout of or in connection with the interpretation or performance of these Termsand Conditions, that is not settled in accordance with the section of theseTerms and Conditions entitled “Disputes”, shall be finally settled by theCourts located in the City and State of New York, which shall have exclusivejurisdiction. YOU AND WE HEREBY WAIVE ANY RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL. You may notassign your rights under these Terms and Conditions. We may assign our rightsand obligations at any time. The invalidity of any provision of these Terms andConditions will not affect the validity of the remaining portions. Any waiverby us of our rights under these Terms and Conditions is binding only if in awriting signed by us. The use of your issuing bank and Merchant names and logosin the Program is by permission only.

Mastercard Easy Savings® Program U.S.Small Business - Participating Merchants Offer Details: Restrictions, conditions, and limitations apply. Visit theMerchant detail pages at for moredetails.

Mastercard Easy Savings® Program forCommercial – Participating Merchants Offer Details: Restrictions, conditions, and limitations apply. Visit theMerchant detail pages at formore details.

© 2017Mastercard. Mastercard, Mastercard Easy Savings Program, MASTERCARD EASYSAVINGS PROGRAM FOR COMMERCIAL and the Mastercard brand marks are registeredtrademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated. All third party productand services names referenced herein are trademarks of their respective owners.

Mastercard®Travel Services

To takeadvantage of any World Elite®travel benefits described here, you must book through CarlsonWagonlit Travel, Mastercard’s designated travel agent for Mastercard TravelServices and must reserve and pay in full for reservations, including depositand final payment, with a valid World Elite Mastercard card.

All travelmust be booked and commenced before a benefit expires. To check a benefit’sexpiration, go to our website contact your travel advisor by calling the number on the backof your card. All benefits and offers are subject to availability and aresubject to change or cancellation without notice. Benefits may generally beredeemed multiple times, subject to specific travel service providerlimitations or unless limits are noted and are valid on new bookings only.Multiple World Elite travel benefits provided by Mastercard Travel Services maybe booked, but such benefits may not be combinable with a travel serviceprovider’s other offers.

If a bookingis made through CWT with a supplier that is not participating in the WorldElite benefits program, then CWT will offer rates negotiated by CWT and/orthose available to CWT in the Global Distribution System. If within twenty-four(24) hours of a cardholder’s original reservation through CWT with a supplier that is notparticipating in the World Elite benefits program, CWT is notified by cardholder of a lower publicly-available rate that meets the exact bookingcriteria for the same supplier, then CWT will contact the applicable Supplier(including hotel, cruise line, car rental, tour company, airline or other) inan attempt to procure that same lower rate for the cardholder, or, alternatively, the cardholder will be allowed to cancel his or her reservation, provided the cardholder was not informed at the time of booking that the reservation wasnon-refundable. Cardholder acknowledges that, with respect to airfares booked in somejurisdictions, cardholders may not be allowed to cancel a reservation after twenty-four (24)hours have elapsed from cardholder’s original reservation. For purposesof the foregoing, discount or negotiated rates not available to the generalpublic, such as closed memberships, auction sites, phone only rates and sameday mobile only rates are not considered publicly available rates.

Blackout datesand additional terms, conditions and restrictions may apply. Specific travelbenefits are not available for certain card programs. Please visit contact oneof our program travel advisors for additional program details and terms andconditions. Airline booking and other fees may apply. Carlson Wagonlit Travel,Mastercard, World Elite Mastercard issuers and travel service providers are notresponsible for printing or typographical errors. Travel related services areprovided by or through one or more travel service providers and such travelservice providers and benefits, as well as the terms and conditions containedherein, are subject to change at any time by Mastercard without notice. Allbenefits are subject to availability. The goods and services described hereinare offered and provided by third party merchants and Mastercard is notresponsible for any losses related to the offer, fulfillment or use of thegoods or services. MASTERCARD, WORLD ELITE, MASTERCARD TRAVEL SERVICES and theMastercard Brand Mark are registered trademarks of Mastercard InternationalIncorporated. All rights reserved.

Air Program:

To takeadvantage of World Elite commercial air benefits, all must be reserved andticketed through Carlson Wagonlit Travel, Mastercard’s designated travel agentfor Mastercard Travel Services and full payment must be made with a valid WorldElite Mastercard. Travel commencement dates vary by airline. Tickets arenon-transferable, non-endorsable and may be non-refundable depending on theclass of service ticketed. All travel must originate in the U.S., Mexico,Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands. Benefit is valid for one-way orroundtrip travel provided travel originates in a qualifying U.S., Mexican,Puerto Rican or U.S. Virgin Islands gateway. Any deviations or changes inrouting by personal choice of the cardholder after ticketing will be at the cardholder’s expense. Non-participating carriers must be ticketed and pricedseparately. Tickets can only be issued the same day as the departure date ifWorld Elite Program inventory is available and if the applicable airline allowselectronic ticketing. Otherwise, same-day reservation, ticketing and departuresare not allowed. Electronic tickets will be issued for all itineraries unlesspaper tickets are required by the airline. If paper tickets are required byairline, an overnight or two-day delivery fee for delivery of the paper ticketto the cardholder will be the responsibility of the cardholder. If the cardholder requests a paper ticket in lieu of an electronic ticket, cardholder will be responsible for airline paper ticket fee and also forovernight or two-day delivery fee for delivery of the paper ticket to the cardholder. U.S. cardholders may also be responsible for an airline ticket transaction fee onall tickets purchased through Mastercard World Elite Travel Services up to$20.00 USD per ticket; the fee may not be limited to World Elite Air Programtickets. Multiple World Elite travel benefits provided by Mastercard WorldElite Travel Services may be booked, but such benefits may not be combinablewith a travel service provider’s other offers. Benefits may generally beredeemed multiple times, subject to specific travel service providerlimitations or unless limits are noted and are valid on new bookings only.Program is subject to change or cancellation without notice. All travel must becompleted on flights operated by the participating carrier, unless otherwisenoted. World Elite Air Program seat allocations and destinations may be limitedon specific airlines and departures and are subject to availability.

If a bookingis made through CWT with a supplier that is not participating in the WorldElite benefits program, then CWT will offer rates negotiated by CWT and/orthose available to CWT in the Global Distribution System. If within twenty-four(24) hours of a cardholder’s originalreservation through CWT with a supplier that is not participating in the WorldElite benefits program, CWT is notified of a lower publicly-available rate thatmeets the exact booking criteria for the same supplier, then CWT will contactthe applicable Supplier (including hotel, cruise line, car rental, tour company,airline or other) in an attempt to procure that same lower rate for the cardholder, or,alternatively, the cardholder will beallowed to cancel his or her reservation, provided the cardholder was notinformed at the time of booking that the reservation was non-refundable. TheParties acknowledge that, with respect to airfares booked in the U.S., cardholders may not beallowed to cancel a reservation after twenty-four (24) hours. For purposes ofthe foregoing, discount or negotiated rates not available to the generalpublic, such as closed memberships, auction sites, phone-only rates and sameday mobile-only rates are not considered publicly available rates. All ticketswill be subject to all government fees, taxes and other charges which must bepaid at the time of ticketing with the cardholder’s World EliteMastercard. Additional terms and conditions may apply. The goods and servicesdescribed herein are offered and provided by third party merchants andMastercard is not responsible for any losses related to the offer, fulfillmentor use of the goods or services. Please contact your Mastercard Travel Servicestravel advisor for additional program details and terms and conditions. CarlsonWagonlit Travel, Mastercard, World Elite Mastercard issuers and benefit travelservice providers are not responsible for printing or typographical errors.MASTERCARD, WORLD ELITE and the Mastercard Brand Mark are registered trademarksof Mastercard International Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Private JetProgram Benefits:

To takeadvantage of Private Jet Program benefits, you must book through CarlsonWagonlit Travel, Mastercard’s designated travel agent for Mastercard Travel.World EliteMastercard cardholders must reserve and pay in full for reservations, including depositand final payment, with a valid World Elite Mastercard. Multiple World Elitetravel benefits provided by Mastercard Travel Services may be booked, but suchbenefits may not be combinable with a travel service provider’s other offers.Savings benefit may be redeemed multiple times and is available on new bookingsonly. If a booking is made through CWT with a supplier that is notparticipating in the World Elite benefits program, then CWT will offer ratesnegotiated by CWT and/or those available to CWT in the Global DistributionSystem. If within twenty-four (24) hours of a cardholder’s original reservation through CWT with a supplier that is notparticipating in the World Elite benefits program, CWT is notified of a lowerpublicly-available rate that meets the exact booking criteria for the samesupplier, then CWT will contact the applicable Supplier (including hotel,cruise line, car rental, tour company, airline or other) in an attempt toprocure that same lower rate for the cardholder, or, alternatively, the cardholder will be allowed to cancel his or her reservation, provided the cardholder was not informed at the time of booking that the reservation wasnon-refundable. The Parties acknowledge that, with respect to airfares bookedin the U.S., cardholders may not be allowed to cancel a reservation after twenty-four (24)hours. For purposes of the foregoing, discount or negotiated rates notavailable to the general public, such as closed memberships, auction sites,phone only rates and same day mobile only rates are not considered publiclyavailable rates. Savings benefit is subject to change or cancellation withoutnotice. Reservation is subject to aircraft availability. Additional terms,conditions and restrictions may apply. The goods and services described hereinare offered and provided by third party merchants and Mastercard is notresponsible for any losses related to the offer, fulfillment or use of thegoods or services. Please contact your Mastercard Travel Services traveladvisor for additional program details and terms and conditions. CarlsonWagonlit Travel, Mastercard, World Elite Mastercard issuers and benefit travelservice providers are not responsible for printing or typographical errors.Mastercard, World Elite, MASTERCARD TRAVEL SERVICES and the Mastercard BrandMark are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated. Allrights reserved.

Hotels andResorts Portfolio Benefits:

To takeadvantage of any World Elite® travel benefits described here unless otherwise stated, you mustbook through Carlson Wagonlit Travel, Mastercard’s designated travel agent forMastercard Travel Services and must reserve and pay in full for reservations,including deposit and final payment, with a valid World Elite Mastercard. Allbenefits and offers are subject to availability and are subject to change orcancellation without notice. Benefits may be limited to specific room types andmay vary by supplier. Mastercard World Elite Hotels & Resort Program is anamenity-based program offering specially negotiated rates with exclusivebenefits. If a booking is made through CWT with a supplier that is notparticipating in the World Elite benefits program, then CWT will offer ratesnegotiated by CWT and/or those available to CWT in the Global DistributionSystem. If within twenty-four (24) hours of a cardholder’s original reservation throughCWT with a supplier that is not participating in the World Elite benefitsprogram, CWT is notified of a lower publicly-available rate that meets theexact booking criteria for the same supplier, then CWT will contact theapplicable Supplier (including hotel, cruise line, car rental, tour company,airline or other) in an attempt to procure that same lower rate for the cardholder, or, alternatively, the cardholder will be allowed to cancel his or her reservation, provided the cardholder was not informed at the time of booking that the reservation wasnon-refundable. For purposes of the foregoing, discount or negotiated rates notavailable to the general public, such as closed memberships, auction sites,phone only rates and same day mobile only rates are not considered publiclyavailable rates. Room upgrades and program amenities are based uponavailability at time of arrival unless otherwise noted. Room upgrades are offeredonly for designated hotels and room categories and individual hotelparticipation may be withdrawn without prior notice. Upgrades may not apply tosuite bookings. Hotel and Resort benefits do not apply to wholesaler bookings.All travel must be booked and commenced before a benefit expires. To check abenefit’s expiration, go to our website contact your travel advisor by calling the number on the backof your card. Multiple World Elite travel benefits provided by MastercardTravel Services may be booked, but such benefits may not be combinable with atravel service provider’s other offers. Benefits may generally be redeemedmultiple times, subject to specific travel service provider limitations orunless limits are noted and are valid on new bookings only. Program is subjectto change or cancellation without notice. Blackout dates and additional termsand conditions may apply. The goods and services described herein are offeredand provided by third party merchants and Mastercard is not responsible for anylosses related to the offer, fulfillment or use of the goods or services.Please contact your Mastercard Travel Services travel advisor for additionalprogram details and terms and conditions. Carlson Wagonlit Travel, Mastercard,World Elite Mastercard issuers and benefit travel service providers are notresponsible for printing or typographical errors. Mastercard, World Elite andthe Mastercard Brand Mark are registered trademarks of Mastercard InternationalIncorporated. All rights reserved.

CruiseProgram Benefits:

To takeadvantage of all World Elite Cruise Program benefits, World Elite Mastercard cardholders must book through Carlson Wagonlit Travel, Mastercard’s designatedtravel agent for Mastercard Travel Services and must reserve and pay in fullfor reservations, including deposit and any payments including final payment,with a valid World Elite Mastercard. World Elite cruise benefits are valid onparticipating cruise lines and may apply to select sailings and stateroomcategories. All travel must be booked and commenced before a benefit expires.To check a benefit’s expiration, go to our website or contactyour travel advisor by calling the number on the back of your card. The WorldElite shipboard credit will be applied to the first two full-fare payingpassengers sharing a stateroom. Shipboard credits do notapply to third and fourth passengers sharing the same stateroom. Singleoccupancy stateroom is eligible for one onboard credit per stateroom. All faresare per person, cruise only and double occupancy unless otherwise specified.Onboard credit may not be combined with other offers. Benefits are subject tochange at any time without prior notice. Blackout dates, stateroom category,select itineraries, fare and other restrictions may apply. Shipboard creditswill apply to one segment only on back-to-back and multi-segment itineraries.World Elite shipboard credits cannot be used for casino charges charged to a cardholder’s shipboard account, are notcombinable with any other shipboard credits and cannot be applied to the costof the cruise, port charges, gratuities or other fees. All reservations aresubject to the terms and conditions outlined in the Passage Contract for eachapplicable cruise line. Other restrictions and limitations may apply dependingon cruise line and category of cabin. If a booking is made through CWT with asupplier that is not participating in the World Elite benefits program, thenCWT will offer rates negotiated by CWT and/or those available to CWT in theGlobal Distribution System. If within twenty-four (24) hours of a cardholder’s original reservation through CWTwith a supplier that is not participating in the World Elite benefits program,CWT is notified of a lower publicly- available rate that meets the exactbooking criteria for the same supplier, then CWT will contact the applicableSupplier (including hotel, cruise line, car rental, tour company, airline orother) in an attempt to procure that same lower rate for the cardholder, or, alternatively, the cardholder will be allowed to cancel his orher reservation, provided the cardholder was not informed at the time of booking that the reservation wasnon-refundable. The Parties acknowledge that, with respect to airfares bookedin the U.S., cardholders may not be allowed to cancel areservation after twenty-four (24) hours. For purposes of the foregoing,discount or negotiated rates not available to the general public, such asclosed memberships, auction sites, phone only rates and same day mobile onlyrates are not considered publicly available rates. Multiple World Elite travelbenefits provided by Mastercard Travel Services may be booked, but suchbenefits may not be combinable with a travel service provider’s other offers.Benefits may generally be redeemed multiple times, subject to specific travelservice provider limitations or unless limits are noted and are valid on newbookings only. Additional restrictions and limitations may apply. The goods andservices described herein are offered and provided by third party merchants andMastercard is not responsible for any losses related to the offer, fulfillmentor use of the goods or services. Please contact your Mastercard Travel Servicestravel advisor for full program details and terms and conditions. CarlsonWagonlit Travel, Mastercard, World Elite Mastercard issuers and benefit travelservice providers are not responsible for printing or typographical errors.Mastercard, World Elite, MASTERCARD TRAVEL SERVICES and the Mastercard BrandMark are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated. Allrights reserved. Tours andVacations Program Benefits:

To takeadvantage of any World Elite Tours and Vacations Program benefits, World EliteMastercard cardholders must book through Carlson Wagonlit Travel, Mastercard’s designatedtravel agent for Mastercard Travel services and must reserve and pay in fullfor reservations, including deposit and final payment, with a valid World Elitecard. World Elite cardholders may save a maximum of up to $250 and as much as 5% per persondepending on tour type (luxury escorted tours, premium escorted tours, luxurycustom tours, premium independent tours or premium vacation packages) on selectitineraries unless otherwise noted. Offers vary per provider. World Elitesavings benefits are not transferable, are subject to change or cancellationwithout notice and are subject to availability. In most cases, the cardholder must book travel of a minimum duration and/or minimum spend toreceive available World Elite benefits. All travel must be booked and commencedbefore a benefit expires. To check a benefit’s expiration, go to our website contact your travel advisor by calling the number on the backof your card. Multiple World Elite travel benefits provided by Mastercard WorldElite Travel Services may be booked, but such benefits may not be combinablewith a travel service provider’s other offers. Benefits may generally beredeemed multiple times, subject to specific travel service providerlimitations or unless limits are noted and are valid on new bookings only. Thebenefit applies to the first two full-paying travelers in a party. If a bookingis made through CWT with a supplier that is not participating in the WorldElite benefits program, then CWT will offer rates negotiated by CWT and/orthose available to CWT in the Global Distribution System. If within twenty-four(24) hours of a cardholder’s original reservation through CWT with a supplier that is notparticipating in the World Elite benefits program, CWT is notified of a lowerpublicly-available rate that meets the exact booking criteria for the samesupplier, then CWT will contact the applicable Supplier (including hotel,cruise line, car rental, tour company, airline or other) in an attempt toprocure that same lower rate for the cardholder, or, alternatively, the cardholder will be allowed to cancel his or her reservation, provided the cardholder was not informed at the time of booking that the reservation wasnon-refundable. The Parties acknowledge that, with respect to airfares bookedin the U.S., cardholders may not be allowed to cancel a reservation after twenty-four (24)hours. For purposes of the foregoing, discount or negotiated rates notavailable to the general public, such as closed memberships, auction sites,phone only rates and same day mobile only rates are not considered publiclyavailable rates. Blackout dates and additional terms and conditions may apply.The goods and services described herein are offered and provided by third partymerchants and Mastercard is not responsible for any losses related to theoffer, fulfillment or use of the goods or services. Please contact yourMastercard Travel Services travel advisor for additional program details andterms and conditions. Mastercard, World Elite Mastercard issuers and benefittravel service providers are not responsible for printing or typographicalerrors. Mastercard, World Elite, MASTERCARD TRAVEL SERVICES and the MastercardBrand Mark are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated.All rights reserved.

Car RentalProgram Benefits:

To takeadvantage of World Elite rental car benefits, rental car reservations must bemade through Carlson Wagonlit Travel, Mastercard’s designated travel agent forMastercard Travel Services, and full payment must be made with a valid WorldElite Mastercard. One of the travelers must be the holder of a valid WorldElite Mastercard. All travel must be booked and commenced before a benefitexpires. To check a benefit’s expiration, go to our website contactyour travel advisor by calling the number on the back of your card. Programbenefits are available through participating car rental companies.Complimentary enrollment by participating car rental companies is available tothe World Elite Mastercard cardholder only and is non-transferable. Eligibility to rent vehicles is subject tostandard qualifications and rental conditions, including standard age, driverand credit requirements. Program benefits are subject to availability and aresubject to change or cancellation without notice. If within twenty-four (24)hours of a cardholder’s originalreservation, Mastercard Travel Services is notified of a lowerpublicly-available rate that meets the exact criteria for the same Supplier,Mastercard Travel Services will contact the applicable Supplier (includinghotel, cruise line, car rental, tour company or airline) in an attempt toprocure that same lower rate for the cardholder, or the cardholder will beallowed to cancel his or her reservation, provided the cardholder was not informedat the time of booking that the reservation was non-refundable. With respect toairfares booked in the U.S., cardholders may not beallowed to cancel a reservation after twenty-four (24) hours. Blackout datesmay apply. Multiple World Elite travel benefits provided by Mastercard WorldElite Travel Services may be booked, but such benefits may not be combinablewith a travel service provider’s other offers. Benefits may generally beredeemed multiple times, subject to specific travel service providerlimitations or unless limits are noted and are valid on new bookings only.Additional terms, conditions and restrictions may apply. The goods and servicesdescribed herein are offered and provided by third party merchants andMastercard is not responsible for any losses related to the offer, fulfillmentor use of the goods or services. Please contact your Mastercard Travel Servicestravel advisor for additional program details and terms and conditions. CarlsonWagonlit Travel, Mastercard, World Elite Mastercard issuers and benefit travelservice providers are not responsible for printing or typographical errors.Mastercard, World Elite and the Mastercard Brand Mark are registered trademarksof Mastercard International Incorporated. All rights reserved.

ChauffeuredCar Program Benefits:

To takeadvantage of World Elite chauffeured car benefits, chauffeured car reservationsmust be made through Carlson Wagonlit Travel, Mastercard’s designated travelagent for Mastercard Travel Services, and full payment must be made with avalid World Elite Mastercard. All travel must be booked and commenced before abenefit expires. To check a benefit’s expiration, go to our website contact your travel advisor by calling the number on the backof your card. Program benefits are available with participating chauffeured carcompanies. Program benefits are subject to availability and are subject tochange or cancellation without notice. If within twenty-four (24) hours of a cardholder’s original reservation, Mastercard Travel Services is notified by a cardholder of a lower publicly-available rate that meets the exact criteriafor the same Supplier, Mastercard Travel Services will contact the applicablechauffeured car Supplier in an attempt to procure that same lower rate for the cardholder, or the cardholder will be allowed to cancel his or her reservation, provided the cardholder was not informed at the time of booking that the reservation wasnon-refundable. Blackout dates may apply. Multiple World Elite travel benefitsprovided by Mastercard Travel Services may be booked, but such benefits may notbe combinable with a travel service provider’s other offers. Benefits maygenerally be redeemed multiple times, subject to specific travel serviceprovider limitations or unless limits are noted and are valid on new bookingsonly. Additional terms, conditions and restrictions may apply. The goods andservices described herein are offered and provided by third party merchants andMastercard is not responsible for any losses related to the offer, fulfillmentor use of the goods or services. Please contact your Mastercard Travel Servicestravel advisor for additional program details and terms and conditions. CarlsonWagonlit Travel, Mastercard, World Elite Mastercard issuers and benefit travelservice providers are not responsible for printing or typographical errors.Mastercard, World Elite and the Mastercard Brand Mark are registered trademarksof Mastercard International Incorporated. All rights reserved.

MastercardAirport Concierge™:

Your passportto the finer side of air travel.

Enjoy a 15%savings on Airport Meet and Greet services. Arrange for a personal, dedicatedMeet and Greet agent to escort you through the airport on departure, arrival orany connecting flights at over 450 destinations worldwide 24 hours a day, 7days a week, 365 days a year. There are also certain airports where you can beexpedited through the security and/or the immigration process. To reserve MastercardAirport Concierge services visit or consultyour Travel Advisor.

Travel relatedservices are provided by or through one or more travel service providers andsuch travel service providers and benefits, as well as the terms and conditionscontained herein, are subject to change at any time by Mastercard withoutnotice. This offer may be terminated by Mastercard without notice.

The goods andservices described herein are offered and provided by third party merchants andMastercard is not responsible for any losses related to the offer, fulfillmentor use of the goods or services.

MASTERCARD, WORLD ELITE, MASTERCARDTRAVEL SERVICES and the Mastercard Brand Mark are registered trademarks ofMastercard International Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Mastercard IDTheft Protection™


Mastercard IDTheft Protection provides you with access to a number of Identity Theftresolution services, should you believe you are a victim of Identity Theft.


To be eligiblefor this coverage, you must be a Mastercard cardholder issued by a institution.


Simply contact1-800-Mastercardif you believeyou have been a victim of Identity Theft.


Servicesprovided are on a 24-hour basis, 365 days a year. They include:

Providing thecardholder with a uniform Identity Theft Affidavit and providing assistancewith completion of the Affidavit. It is the responsibility of the cardholder tosubmit the Affidavit to the proper authorities, credit bureaus, and creditors.

Assistance innotifying all three major credit reporting agencies to obtain a free creditreport for the cardholder and placing an alert on the cardholder’s record withthe agencies.

Assisting thecardholder with debit, credit and/or charge card replacement.

Assistingcardholder with membership/affinity card replacement.

Educating thecardholder on how Identity Theft can occur and of protective measures to avoidfurther occurrences.

Providing thecardholder with the Identity Theft Resolution Kit.

Providing thecardholder with sample letters for use in canceling checks, ATM cards, andother accounts.


Mastercard IDTheft Alerts™:

Mastercard isoffering cardholders cyber security through ID Theft Alerts, CSID’s proprietaryInternet surveillance technology that proactively detects the illegal tradingand selling of personally identifiable information (PII) online. At any pointin time, ID Theft Alerts is tracking thousands of websites and millions of datapoints, and alerting cardholders whose personal information they find has beencompromised online. This information is being gathered in real-time so thatCardholders have the opportunity to react quickly and take the necessary stepsto protect themselves. Get started at no cost to you by enrolling at


There is nocharge for these services, they are provided by your Financial Institution.

Services NOT provided:

When it isdetermined you have committed any dishonest, criminal, malicious or fraudulentact.

When yourfinancial institution or card issuer which provides this Service, hasinvestigated the event and deemed you are responsible the charge or event.

When any theftor unauthorized use of an account by a person to whom the account has beenentrusted has been committed.

Programprovisions for Mastercard ID Theft Protection:

This serviceapplies only to you, the named Mastercard cardholder. You shall use duediligence and do all things reasonable to avoid or diminish any loss or damageto property protected by the program. The provider, CS Identity, relies on thetruth of statement made in the Affidavit or declaration from each cardholder.This service is provided to eligible Mastercard cardholders at no additionalcost and is in effect for acts occurring while the program is in effect. Theterms and conditions contained in this program guide may be modified bysubsequent endorsements. Modifications to the terms and conditions may beprovided via additional Guide mailings, statement inserts, or statementmessages. Mastercard or your financial institution can cancel or non-renewthese services, and if we do, we will notify you at least thirty (30) days inadvance. If the Provider non-renews or cancels any services provided to eligibleMastercard cardholders, you will be notified within 30–120 days before theexpiration of the service agreement. In the event substantially similarcoverage takes effect without interruption, no such notice is necessary. Forgeneral questions regarding these services, please contact 1-800-Mastercard.

Account andBilling Information

Important: Contact yourcard-issuing financial institution directly for questions concerning youraccount, such as account balance, credit line, billing inquiries (includingtransaction exchange rates), merchant disputes, or information about additionalservices not described in this Guide. Your financial institution’s phone numbershould be available on your monthly billing statement or on the back of yourcard.

Legal Disclosure

This Guide toBenefits is not, by itself, a policy or contract of insurance or othercontract.

Benefits areprovided to you, the accountholder, at no additional charge. Non-insuranceservices may have associated costs, which will be your responsibility (forexample, legal referrals are free, but the lawyer’s fee is yourresponsibility).

The insurancebenefits are provided under a group policy issued by New Hampshire InsuranceCompany, an AIG company. This Guide to Benefits is a summary of benefits providedto you. The attached Key Terms and EOC is governed by the Group Policy.

Effective date of benefits: Effective March 1, 2017, this Guide to Benefits replaces all priordisclosures, program descriptions, advertising, and brochures by any party. ThePolicyholder and the insurer reserve the right to change the benefits andfeatures of these programs at any time. Notice will be provided for anychanges.

Cancellation: The Policyholder can cancel these benefits at any time or choosenot to renew the insurance coverage for all cardholders. If the Policyholderdoes cancel these benefits, you will be notified in advance. If the insurancecompany terminates, cancels, or chooses not to renew the coverage to thePolicyholder, you will be notified as soon as is practicable. Insurancebenefits will still apply for any benefits you were eligible for prior to thedate of such terminations, cancellation, or non-renewal, subject to the termsand conditions of coverage.

Benefits to you: These benefits apply only to the cardholder whose cards are issued by U.S. financial institutions. The UnitedStates is defined as the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia.No person or entity other than the cardholder shall have any legal or equitable right, remedy, or claim forbenefits, insurance proceeds and damages under or arising out of theseprograms. These benefits do not apply if your card privileges have beencancelled. However, insurance benefits will still apply for any benefit youwere eligible for prior to the date that your account is suspended orcancelled, subject to the terms and conditions of coverage.

Transfer of rights or benefits: No rights or benefits provided under these insurance benefits maybe assigned without the prior written consent of the claim administrator forthese benefits.

Misrepresentation and Fraud: Benefits shall be void if the cardholder has concealed or misrepresented any material facts concerning thiscoverage.

Due Diligence: All parties are expected to exercise due diligence to avoid ordiminish any theft, loss or damage to the property insured under theseprograms. “Due diligence” means the performance of all vigilant activity,attentiveness, and care that would be taken by a reasonable and prudent personin the same or similar circumstances in order to guard and protect the item.

Subrogation: If payment is made under these benefits, the insurance company isentitled to recover such amounts from other parties or persons. Any party or cardholder who receives payment under these benefits must transfer to theinsurance company his or her rights to recovery against any other party orperson and must do everything necessary to secure these rights and must donothing that would jeopardize them, or these rights will be recovered from the cardholder.

Other Insurance: Coverage is secondary to and in excess of any other applicableinsurance or indemnity available to You. Coverage is limited to only thoseamounts not covered by any other insurance or indemnity. It is subject to theconditions, limitations, and exclusions described in this document. In no eventwill this coverage apply as contributing insurance. This Other Insurance clausewill take precedence over a similar clause found in other insurance orindemnity language. In no event will these insurance benefits apply ascontributing insurance. The non-contribution insurance clause will takeprecedence over the non-contribution clause found in any other insurancepolicies.

Severability of Provisions: If in the future any one or more of the provisions of this Guideto Benefits is, to any extent and for any reason, held to be invalid orunenforceable, then such provision(s) shall be deemed “severable” from theremaining provisions of the Guide. In that event, all other provisions of thisGuide shall remain valid and enforceable.

Benefitslisted in this Guide to Benefits are subject to the conditions, limitations,and exclusions described in each benefit section. Receipt and/orpossession of this Guide to Benefits does not guarantee coverage or coverageavailability.

This Guide is intended as a summaryof services, benefits, and coverages and, in case of a conflict between theGuide and the master insurance policies, or an issuer’s, or the Mastercardactual offerings, such master policies or actual offering shall control.Provision of services is subject to availability and applicable legalrestrictions.



To file a claim or request MasterAssist Services, call1-800-Mastercard (1-800-627-8372),or en Español: 1-800-633-4466. Visit our Website at